Contract Labor Union Management Wages

How much money SHOULD a UPS driver make?

Just as I’d been predicting, there was no strike at United Parcel Service. Within 24 hours of returning to the bargaining table on July 25, the Teamster national negotiating committee unanimously endorsed a contract proposal that includes across-the-board wage hikes and catch-up raises for longer-term employees, among other economic gains. The union and the company […]

Labor Union Management

UPS has one week to reach a deal with the Teamsters. Here’s how a strong contract helps the company.

If you’ve been following the news, you know that contract negotiations between United Parcel Service and the Teamsters unexpectedly broke down in the wee hours after the July Fourth holiday. Both sides blamed the other and left the bargaining table without any agreed-on or announced plans to return. This was an abrupt reversal for the […]

Labor Union Management

I just voted to authorize a strike at UPS. Now I don’t think one will actually happen.

United Parcel Service has a history with organized labor that extends all the way back to 1916. That’s when UPS founder Jim Casey invited the International Brotherhood of Teamsters to unionize his workforce. You read that correctly. UPS has a union because it wanted a union, from almost the very beginning. Even now, on its […]

Labor Union Management

UPS is set to begin negotiating a new contract. What do its union members want?

It was supposed to be today. Monday, April 17th, was the date set for the beginning of national contract talks between United Parcel Service and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. The current five-year contract expires July 31st. But it already appears that things will not be proceeding according to that mutually-agreed-upon timetable. First, a bit […]

Holiday Labor Union Valentine's Day

It’s Valentine’s Day. When it comes to your job, are you ‘married’ or ‘in a relationship’?

My wife Bethany and I have been together for a long time. Today is our twenty-ninth Valentine’s Day as a couple. Twenty-nine years. That’s long past the candy-and-flowers stage. Past even the Valentine cards stage. Ours was never a storybook romance. We married young and started a family early. A child with special needs. Job […]

Labor Union Wages Work

Is driving for UPS worth it? Let’s look at the numbers.

This week’s issue of the New Yorker magazine includes a long-form article titled, ‘UPS and the Package Wars.’ Its subtitle is a lot more provocative: ‘The company offers old-fashioned middle-class jobs and is enjoying record profits. So why is a strike looming?’ And the text of the web link is the clever, pithy phrase, ‘Can […]

Holiday Labor Union Workforce

Change is coming to UPS in 2023. There’s one big reason why.

It’s 2023! Like a lot of people on January 1st, today I find myself reflecting on the year that has just passed and considering the year that lies ahead. I’m a big fan of observing milestones. Crossing a finish line is a big deal for me – always an accomplishment worth celebrating. But as a […]

Holiday Inequality Labor Union Work Workforce

5 things American workers want more than a Monday off in September

In the U.S. over my lifetime, Labor Day has served chiefly as a three-day weekend bracketing the ending of summer break from the beginning of the school year. I myself never gave much thought to the holiday until I started researching its origins. All across the country, all throughout the industrial era, the history of […]

Injury Labor Union Running Work Workforce

UPS drivers have something in common with professional athletes. (Hint: It’s not the big paycheck.)

In my last post I was feeling pretty good. I’d returned to training for a marathon after a long hiatus, and I believed my new(-ish) job as a UPS driver was helping me train stronger than ever before. Since I’d been setting new records in my training runs of various distances, I flew to Denver […]

Labor Union Work

This is why you still see UPS trucks on the road after 5

In March I commented that the time had been passing quickly since I started driving for UPS. Back then I’d gone a whole month between posts. Now it’s August and I haven’t posted anything for five months! As usual, I’ve been very busy. If you’re a regular reader, you know that my job is more […]