Injury Labor Union Running Work Workforce

UPS drivers have something in common with professional athletes. (Hint: It’s not the big paycheck.)

In my last post I was feeling pretty good. I’d returned to training for a marathon after a long hiatus, and I believed my new(-ish) job as a UPS driver was helping me train stronger than ever before. Since I’d been setting new records in my training runs of various distances, I flew to Denver […]

Running Work

Five ways that distance running has helped me as a UPS driver

If you’ve been following this blog since the beginning, you’ll know that I used to run regularly. When I lost my dream job I’d been running outdoors year-round for more than ten years. Runner isn’t one of my identities. I picked up running in my 30s as a reasonably convenient and inexpensive way to try […]

Running Work

This is why your UPS driver is in such great shape

As I mentioned in my last post, I’m in the middle of my 30-day trial period as a package car driver for UPS. Here’s how it all went down. Because UPS is a ‘union shop,’ everything is governed by the current collective bargaining agreement between the company and the Teamsters. The contract states that you […]

Job Search Running Work

I’m still looking for work but I’ve already conquered my hill

As a mid-career professional, searching for employment can be a slog. It involves the same routine tasks day in and day out. It’s nowhere near as interesting or rewarding as anything I’ve ever done to actually earn a paycheck. It’s not physically strenuous but it is emotionally draining. It can also be dispiriting. Each time […]